Counting in Hiuʦɑθ

Language overview

Forty-two in Hiuʦɑθ Hiuʦɑθ (romanized as Hiutsath) is an artistic language designed by the Professor of Linguistics Jessie Sams (also known for her collaboration with David J. Peterson for the Méníshè, Engála, and Tpaalha artlangs). It appears in a series of novels written for young adults, in which it is spoken by the 48 Xiɸɑθeho (Gifteds), a race of women who, though they look human in appearance, have special abilities (or Gifts). They currently live in the Ozarks area in Missouri. It is written in an abjad loosely based on the Greek alphabet, in which each letter looks like a scrap of ribbon.

Due to lack of data, we can only count accurately up to 9,999 in Hiuʦɑθ. Please contact me if you can help me counting up from that limit.

Hiuʦɑθ numbers list

  • 1 – mone
  • 2 – ʃolu
  • 3 – θele
  • 4 – ɸɑle
  • 5 – ɸiɸlu
  • 6 – sixɑ
  • 7 – sife
  • 8 – ɑhne
  • 9 – neni
  • 10 – tonɑ
  • 11 – eneso
  • 12 – tonɑʃolu
  • 13 – tonɑθele
  • 14 – tonɑɸɑle
  • 15 – tonɑɸiɸlu
  • 16 – tonɑsixɑ
  • 17 – tonɑsife
  • 18 – tonɑɑhne
  • 19 – tonɑneni
  • 20 – ʃolutonɑho
  • 30 – θeletonɑho
  • 40 – ɸɑletonɑho
  • 50 – ɸiɸlutonɑho
  • 60 – sixɑtonɑho
  • 70 – sifetonɑho
  • 80 – ɑhnetonɑho
  • 90 – nenitonɑho
  • 100 – xeno
  • 1,000 – tɑʃes

Hiuʦɑθ numbering rules

Now that you’ve had a gist of the most useful numbers, let’s move to the writing rules for the tens, the compound numbers, and why not the hundreds, the thousands and beyond (if possible).

  • Digits from zero to nine are rendered by specific words, namely neɑɸθe [0] (which literally means nothing), mone [1], ʃolu [2], θele [3], ɸɑle [4], ɸiɸlu [5], sixɑ [6], sife [7], ɑhne [8], and neni [9].
  • Tens are formed by directly suffixing the multiplier unit with the plural form of the word for ten (singular: tonɑ, plural: tonɑho), except fot ten itself: tonɑ [10], ʃolutonɑho [20], θeletonɑho [30], ɸɑletonɑho [40], ɸiɸlutonɑho [50], sixɑtonɑho [60], sifetonɑho [70], ɑhnetonɑho [80], and nenitonɑho [90].
  • Historically, the Hiuʦɑθ had a base-12 counting system. Eleven has its own form, eneso [11], while twelve has a historical name (θuneso) which is sacred and can only be used in conjunction with the Xiɸɑθeho families or Gifts. Other sacred form of numbers are moɑʃoɲelo [21], and iɸotenosɑiθo [84] (7*12).
  • Numbers from twelve to nineteen are formed starting with the word for ten (tonɑ), directly followed by the unit with no space: tonɑʃolu [12], tonɑθele [13], tonɑɸɑle [14], tonɑɸiɸlu [15], tonɑsixɑ [16], tonɑsife [17], tonɑɑhne [18], and tonɑneni [19].
  • Compound numbers from twenty-one and above are formed starting with the ten, followed by the unit suffixed with the conjunction ɑʃ (and) with no space (e.g.: ʃolutonɑho moneɑʃ [21], θeletonɑho sifeɑʃ [37], ɸiɸlutonɑho ɑhneɑʃ [58]).
  • Hundreds are formed starting with the multiplier digit, directly followed by the plural form of the word for hundred (singular: xeno, which means very many, plural: xenoho), except for one hundred: xeno [100], ʃoluxenoho [200], θelexenoho [300], ɸɑlexenoho [400], ɸiɸluxenoho [500], sixɑxenoho [600], sifexenoho [700], ɑhnexenoho [800], and nenixenoho [900].
  • Thousands are formed starting with the multiplier digit, directly followed by the plural form of the word for thousand (singular: tɑʃes, which means too many to count, plural: tɑʃesho), except for one thousand: tɑʃes [1,000], ʃolutɑʃesho [2,000], θeletɑʃesho [3,000], ɸɑletɑʃesho [4,000], ɸiɸlutɑʃesho [5,000], sixɑtɑʃesho [6,000], sifetɑʃesho [7,000], ɑhnetɑʃesho [8,000], and nenitɑʃesho [9,000].
  • The highest number in Hiuʦɑθ is currently nenitɑʃesho nenixenohoɑʃ nenitonɑhoɑʃ neniɑʃ [9,999], as the Gifteds have yet to find a reason to count above it.
  • In large compound numbers, each group is suffixed with ɑʃ (and), even the ten, as seen in the previous example.

Write a number in full in Hiuʦɑθ

Let’s move now to the practice of the numbering rules in Hiuʦɑθ. Will you guess how to write a number in full? Enter a number and try to write it down in your head, or maybe on a piece of paper, before displaying the result.



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