Counting in Panglobish
Language overview
Panglobish is an international auxiliary language (an auxlang), a constructed language designed for communication with simplicity at its core. Its vocabulary is based on English, but also French, Spanish, Japanese, Chinese, Russian, Arabic, Hindi and Swahili.
Panglobish numbers list
- 1 – un
- 2 – due
- 3 – tri
- 4 – for
- 5 – faive
- 6 – sixe
- 7 – seven
- 8 – eite
- 9 – nain
- 10 – ten
- 11 – ten un
- 12 – ten due
- 13 – ten tri
- 14 – ten for
- 15 – ten faive
- 16 – ten sixe
- 17 – ten seven
- 18 – ten eite
- 19 – ten nain
- 20 – due ten
- 30 – tri ten
- 40 – for ten
- 50 – faive ten
- 60 – sixe ten
- 70 – seven ten
- 80 – eite ten
- 90 – nain ten
- 100 – un hunde
- 1,000 – un tauzen
Panglobish numbering rules
Now that you’ve had a gist of the most useful numbers, let’s move to the writing rules for the tens, the compound numbers, and why not the hundreds, the thousands and beyond (if possible).
- Digits from zero to one are rendered by specific words, namely zero [0], un [1], due [2], tri [3], for [4], faive [5], sixe [6], seven [7], eite [8], and nain [9].
- Tens are formed starting with the multiplier unit, followed by the word for ten (ten) separated with a space: (un) ten [10], due ten [20], tri ten [30], for ten [40], faive ten [50], sixe ten [60], seven ten [70], eite ten [80], and nain ten [90].
- Compound numbers are formed starting with the ten, followed by the unit separated with a space (e.g.: tri ten eite [38], faive ten faive [55]).
- Hundreds are formed starting with the multiplier unit, followed by the word for hundred (hunde) separated with a space: hunde [100], due hunde [200], tri hunde [300], for hunde [400], faive hunde [500], sixe hunde [600], seven hunde [700], eite hunde [800], and nain hunde [900].
- Thousands are formed starting with the multiplier unit, followed by the word for thousand (tauzen) separated with a space: tauzen [1,000], due tauzen [2,000], tri tauzen [3,000], for tauzen [4,000], faive tauzen [5,000], sixe tauzen [6,000], seven tauzen [7,000], eite tauzen [8,000], and nain tauzen [9,000].
- If the word for million is milion [million, 106], bigger numbers are formed on the prefixes of the International System of Units: giga or tauzen milion [billion, 109], tera [trillion, 1012], peta [quadrillion, 1015], eksa [quintillion, 1018], zeta [sextillion, 1021], yota [septillion, 1024]…
Write a number in full in Panglobish
Let’s move now to the practice of the numbering rules in Panglobish. Will you guess how to write a number in full? Enter a number and try to write it down in your head, or maybe on a piece of paper, before displaying the result.
Auxiliary languages
Afrihili, Ba kom, Babm, Bolak, Ceqli, Digisk Folkspraak, Esperanto, Folkspraak, Globasa, Glosa, Guosa, Idiom neutral, Ido, Intal, Interlingua, Interlingue, Interslavic, Kotava, Langue nouvelle, Latinesce, Latino sine flexione, Lingua Franca Nova, Lingwa de planeta, Mondial, Mondlango, Neolatin, Nove Latina, Pandunia, Panglobish, Ro, Romanid, Slovio, Solresol, Sona, Spokil, Stœchiophonie, Tutonish, Universalglot, Uropi, and Volapük.
Other supported languages
As the other currently supported languages are too numerous to list extensively here, please select a language from the full list of supported languages.