Counting in Interslavic

Language overview

Forty-two in Interslavic Interslavic (Medžuslovjansky / Меджусловјанскы) is an international auxiliary language, or rather a zonal constructed language, as it is aimed at facilitating communication between Slavs and with them. It results from the collaboration of different languages projects in 2011, namely Slovianski, Slovioski and Novoslověnsky. Interslavic can be written using the Latin and the Cyrillic alphabets.

Interslavic numbers list

  • 1 – jedin (једин)
  • 2 – dva (два)
  • 3 – tri (три)
  • 4 – četyri (четыри)
  • 5 – pet (пет)
  • 6 – šest (шест)
  • 7 – sedm (седм)
  • 8 – osm (осм)
  • 9 – devet (девет)
  • 10 – deset (десет)
  • 11 – jedinnadset (јединнадсет)
  • 12 – dvanadset (дванадсет)
  • 13 – trinadset (тринадсет)
  • 14 – četyrinadset (четыринадсет)
  • 15 – petnadset (петнадсет)
  • 16 – šestnadset (шестнадсет)
  • 17 – sedmnadset (седмнадсет)
  • 18 – osmnadset (осмнадсет)
  • 19 – devetnadset (деветнадсет)
  • 20 – dvadeset (двадесет)
  • 30 – trideset (тридесет)
  • 40 – četyrideset (четыридесет)
  • 50 – petdeset (петдесет)
  • 60 – šestdeset (шестдесет)
  • 70 – sedmdeset (седмдесет)
  • 80 – osmdeset (осмдесет)
  • 90 – devetdeset (деветдесет)
  • 100 – sto (сто)
  • 1,000 – tyseč (тысеч)

Interslavic numbering rules

Now that you’ve had a gist of the most useful numbers, let’s move to the writing rules for the tens, the compound numbers, and why not the hundreds, the thousands and beyond (if possible).

  • Digits from zero to nine are rendered by specific words, namely: nula (нула) [0], jedin (једин)/jedna (једна)/jedno (једно) (masculine/feminine/neutral) [1], dva (два)/dvě (двє)/dvě (двє) (masculine/feminine/neutral) [2], tri (три) [3], četyri (четыри) [4], pet (пет) [5], šest (шест) [6], sedm (седм) [7], osm (осм) [8], and devet (девет) [9].
  • Tens are formed starting with the multiplier digit, directly followed by the word for ten (deset / десет), with no space, except for ten itself: deset (десет) [10], dvadeset (двадесет) [20], trideset (тридесет) [30], četyrideset (четыридесет) [40], petdeset (петдесет) [50], šestdeset (шестдесет) [60], sedmdeset (седмдесет) [70], osmdeset (осмдесет) [80], and devetdeset (деветдесет) [90].
  • Numbers from eleven to nineteen are formed starting with the unit, directly followed by the word (nadset / теенс), with no space: jedinnadset (јединнадсет) [11], dvanadset (дванадсет) [12], trinadset (тринадсет) [13], četyrinadset (четыринадсет) [14], petnadset (петнадсет) [15], šestnadset (шестнадсет) [16], sedmnadset (седмнадсет) [17], osmnadset (осмнадсет) [18], and devetnadset (деветнадсет) [19].
  • Compound numbers are formed starting with the ten, followed by the unit digit, separated with a space (e.g.: petdeset šest (петдесет шест) [56], sedmdeset tri (седмдесет три) [73]). Ten and unit can also by linked with the conjunction i (и), meaning and (e.g.: petdeset i šest (петдесет и шест) [56], sedmdeset i tri (седмдесет и три) [73]).
  • Hundreds are formed starting with the multiplier digit, directly followed by the word for hundred (sto / сто), with no space, except for one hundred: sto (сто) [100], dvasto (двасто) [200], tristo (тристо) [300], četyristo (четыристо) [400], petsto (петсто) [500], šeststo (шестсто) [600], sedmsto (седмсто) [700], osmsto (осмсто) [800], and devetsto (деветсто) [900].
  • Hundreds can alternatively be formed by inflecting the word hundred (sto / сто): sto (сто) [100], dvěstě (двєстє) [200], trista (триста) [300], četyrista (четыриста) [400], petsot (петсот) [500], šestsot (шестсот) [600], sedmsot (седмсот) [700], osmsot (осмсот) [800], and devetsot (деветсот) [900].
  • Thousands are formed starting with the multiplier digit, followed by the word for thousand (tyseč / тысеч), linked with a hyphen, except for one thousand: tyseč (тысеч) [1,000], dva-tyseč (два тысеч) [2,000], tri-tyseč (три тысеч) [3,000], četyri-tyseč (четыри тысеч) [4,000], pet-tyseč (пет тысеч) [5,000], šest-tyseč (шест тысеч) [6,000], sedm-tyseč (седм тысеч) [7,000], osm-tyseč (осм тысеч) [8,000], and devet-tyseč (девет тысеч) [9,000].
  • The word for million is milion (милион) [million, 106].
  • The word for billion is miliard (милиард) [billion, 109].

Write a number in full in Interslavic

Let’s move now to the practice of the numbering rules in Interslavic. Will you guess how to write a number in full? Enter a number and try to write it down in your head, or maybe on a piece of paper, before displaying the result.


Auxiliary languages

Afrihili, Ba kom, Babm, Bolak, Ceqli, Digisk Folkspraak, Esperanto, Folkspraak, Globasa, Glosa, Guosa, Idiom neutral, Ido, Intal, Interlingua, Interlingue, Interslavic, Kotava, Langue nouvelle, Latinesce, Latino sine flexione, Lingua Franca Nova, Lingwa de planeta, Mondial, Mondlango, Neolatin, Nove Latina, Pandunia, Panglobish, Ro, Romanid, Slovio, Solresol, Sona, Spokil, Stœchiophonie, Tutonish, Universalglot, Uropi, and Volapük.

Other supported languages

As the other currently supported languages are too numerous to list extensively here, please select a language from the full list of supported languages.