Counting in Soninke
Language overview
The Soninke language (sooninkanxanne) belongs to the mande family. It is mainly spoken in Mali, and also in Senegal, Côte d’Ivoire, The Gambia, Mauritania, Guinea-Bissau, and Guinea. National language in Mali, Senegal, and Mauritania, Soninke counts about one million speakers.
Soninke numbers list
- 1 – baane
- 2 – fillo
- 3 – sikko
- 4 – naxato
- 5 – karago
- 6 – tumu
- 7 – ñeru
- 8 – segu
- 9 – kabu
- 10 – tanmu
- 11 – tanmu do baane
- 12 – tanmu do fillo
- 13 – tanmu do sikko
- 14 – tanmu do naxato
- 15 – tanmu do karago
- 16 – tanmu do tumu
- 17 – tanmu do ñeru
- 18 – tanmu do segu
- 19 – tanmu do kabu
- 20 – tanfille
- 30 – tanjikke
- 40 – tannaxate
- 50 – tankarage
- 60 – tandume
- 70 – tanñere
- 80 – tansege
- 90 – tankabe
- 100 – kame
- 1,000 – wujjuune
- one million – miliyo
- one billion – miliyaari
Soninke numbering rules
Now that you’ve had a gist of the most useful numbers, let’s move to the writing rules for the tens, the compound numbers, and why not the hundreds, the thousands and beyond (if possible).
- Digits from one to nine are specific words, namely baane [1], fillo [2], sikko [3], naxato [4], karago [5], tumu [6], ñeru [7], segu [8], and kabu [9].
- Tens are formed by setting the prefix tan before the multiplier digit, with some exceptions: tanmu [10], tanfille [20], tanjikke [30], tannaxate [40], tankarage [50], tandume [60], tanñere [70], tansege [80], and tankabe [90].
- Compound numbers are formed by saying the ten, then the coordinator do, and the unit (e.g.: tanmu do segu [18], tankarage do naxato [54]).
- Hundreds are formed by setting the multiplier digit after the hundred word (singular kame, plural kamo). Besides, the plural form of the multiplier digit is used, i.e. filli [2], sikki [3], naxati [4], karagi [5], tumi [6], ñeri [7], segi [8], and kabi [9]. Thus, we obtain: kame [100] (singular, without multiplier unit), kamo filli [200] (both plural), kamo sikki [300], kamo naxati [400], kamo karagi [500], kamo tumi [600], kamo ñeri [700], kamo segi [800], and kamo kabi [900].
- Higher scale numbers are formed the same way as the hundreds. The word for thousand is wujjuune (plural, wujjuunu), loan-word from the Pulaar language; the word for million is miliyo (plural, miliyonu), loan-word from the French million; the word for billion is miliyaari (plural, miliyaarinu), loan-word from the French milliard, meaning billion (e.g.: wujjuune [1,000], wujjuunu sikki [3,000], miliyonu naxati [4,000,000], miliyaarinu karagi [5 billion]).
- Each group of numbers is linked to the others with do (and), tens and units, but also hundreds and tens, thousands and hundreds… (e.g.: tanfille do sikko [23], kame do tankarage [150], wujjuune do kamo filli do tanjikke do naxato [1,234]).
Write a number in full in Soninke
Let’s move now to the practice of the numbering rules in Soninke. Will you guess how to write a number in full? Enter a number and try to write it down in your head, or maybe on a piece of paper, before displaying the result.
Parlons soninké
by Christian Girier, editors L’Harmattan (1996)
[, Kindle -]
Phonologie et morphologie du soninké : Une analyse non linéaire
by Anna Marie Diagne, editors VDM Verlag (2009)
Mande languages
Bambara, Kpelle, Mandinka, Soninke, and Susu.
Other supported languages
As the other currently supported languages are too numerous to list extensively here, please select a language from the full list of supported languages.