Books ordered by natural languages
Books about linguistic anthropology
Books about artificial languages
Books about endangered languages
Books about languages
Books about numbers
Books about language revitalization
Books about writing systems and alphabets
Books ordered by artificial languages
- The Alor-Pantar Languages: History and Typology. Second Edition. [], Marian Klamer, Saint Philip Street Press (2020)
- The Papuan Languages of Timor, Alor and Pantar. Volume 2 [, ], Antoinette Schapper, Walter de Gruyter (2017)
- The Papuan Languages of Timor, Alor and Pantar. Volume 1 [, ], Antoinette Schapper, Walter de Gruyter (2014)
- A Grammar of Abui: A Papuan Language of Alor [], František Kratochvíl, Landelijke Onderzoekschool Taalwetenschap (2007)
- Coono Leb Acoli (introduction) Acoli Accented Orthography [], Janet Lakareber, Gbila (2011)
- Oteka Okello Mwoka Lengomoi: A Legend Among the Acholi of Uganda [], Jim Ocitti, Sahel Books (2010)
- Lwo English Dictionary [], Alexander Odonga, Fountain (2001)
- A Grammar of Afrikaans [], Bruce C. Donaldson, Walter de Gruyter (1993)
- Standard Albanian: A Reference Grammar for Students [], Leonard Newmark, Philip Hubbard, Peter Prifti, Stanford University Press (1982)
- Introducing Amharic: An Interactive Workbook [], T. Michael W. Halcomb, GlossaHouse (2016)
- The Essential Guide to Amharic: The National Language of Ethiopia [], Abraham Teklu & Andrew Tadross, Peace Corps Writers (2015)
- Basic Amharic: a teaching manual [], Kebede Gessesse, CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform (2012)
- Amharic Writing Practice Workbook [], Lion Of Judah Society, CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform (2012)
- Arabic Classroom Magnetic Alphabet Letters Kit []
- Oxford Arabic Dictionary [, ], Karin C. Ryding, Oxford University Press (2014)
- A Reference Grammar of Modern Standard Arabic [], Cambridge University Press (2005)
- Arabic Voices 1: Authentic Listening and Reading Practice in Modern Standard Arabic and Colloquial Dialects [, ], Matthew Aldrich, Lingualism (2014)
- Araki: A Disappearing Language of Vanuatu [], Alexandre François, Australian National University (2002)
- Myths and Traditions of the Arikara Indians (Sources of American Indian Oral Literature) [], Douglas R. Parks, University of Nebraska Press (1996)
- Traditional Narratives of the Arikara Indians, Studies in the Anthropology of North American Indians Series [], Douglas R. Parks, University of Nebraska Press (1990)
- Elementary Modern Armenian Grammar [], Kevork H. Gulian, Adamant Media Corporation (2005)
- Beginner’s Armenian [], Hagop Andonian, Hippocrene Books (1999)
- Nakón-i’a wo!: Beginning Nakoda [], Ian Mosby et al., University of Regina Press (2019)
- Ndyuka (Descriptive Grammars) [], George L. Huttar, Mary L. Huttar, Routledge (1994)
- A grammar of Azeri [, ], Dr Yavar Dehghani, CreateSpace (2016)
- Elementary Azerbaijani [], Kurtulus Öztopçu, Kurtulus Öztopçu (2003)
- Azerbaijani-English, English-Azerbaijani dictionary and phrasebook [], Nicholas Awde, Famil Ismailov, Hippocrene Books (1999)
- The History of the N’ko Alphabet and Its Role in Mande Transnational Identity: Words as Weapons [], Dianne White Oyler, Africana Homestead Legacy Publishers (2007)
- Bashkir Manual [], Nicholas Poppe, Routledge (1997)
- Belarusian for beginners: A book in 2 languages [], Dr. Johannes Schumann, 50LANGUAGES LLC (2017)
- Belarusian Language: The Belarusian Phrasebook [], Ilya Kovalyuk, CreateSpace (2016)
- Breton Grammar [], Roparz Hemon, Evertype (2011)
- Colloquial Breton [], Herve Ar Bihan & Ian Press, Routledge (2003)
- Learn To Write Lontara [], Chriselda Barretto, Independently published (2023)
- The Bugis [], Christian Pelras, Wiley-Blackwell (1997)
- Intensive Bulgarian: A Textbook & Reference Grammar (Vol 1) [], Ronelle Alexander, Olga M. Mladenova, University of Wisconsin Press (2000)
- Intensive Bulgarian: A Textbook & Reference Grammar (Vol 2) [], Ronelle Alexander, Olga M. Mladenova, University of Wisconsin Press (2000)
- A comprehensive Bulgarian grammar for foreign learners [], Lily Earl, Daniela Ubenova (2000)
- Burushaski as an Indo-European Kentum Language [], Ilija Casule, LINCOM (2009)
Cape Verdean Creole
- The Syntax of Cape Verdean Creole: The Sotavento Varieties [], Marlyse Baptista, John Benjamins Pub Co (2003)
- Teach Yourself Catalan [, ], Alan Yates, Anna Poch, McGraw-Hill (2004)
- Catalan: A Comprehensive Grammar [], Nicolau Dols, Routledge (1999)
Central Tarahumara
- Primal Awareness: A True Story of Survival, Transformation, and Awakening with the Rarámuri Shamans of Mexico [], Don Trent Jacobs, Inner Traditions (1998)
- Tarahumara: Where Night is the Day of the Moon [], Bernard L. Fontana, John P. Schaefer , University of Arizona Press (1997)
- Cherokee Language Lessons [, ], Michael Joyner, (2014)
- Signs of Cherokee Culture: Sequoyah’s Syllabary in Eastern Cherokee Life [], Margaret Bender, The University of North Carolina Press (2007)
- Sequoyah: The Cherokee Man Who Gave His People Writing [, ], James Rumford, Houghton Mifflin Books for Children (2004)
- Beginning Cherokee [], Ruth Bradley Holmes, Betty Sharp Smith, University of Oklahoma Press (1992)
- A Concise Chickasaw Dictionary [], Jesse Humes & Vinnie May (James) Humes, Chickasaw Press (2015)
- C is for Chickasaw [], Wiley Barnes, White Dog Press (2014)
- Chikasha: The Chickasaw Collection at the National Museum of the American Indian [], Joshua D. Hinson, Chickasaw Press (2014)
- Chickasaw [], David Fitzgerald, Graphic Arts Center Publishing Company (2006)
- Chickasaw: An Analytical Dictionary [], Pamela Munro & Catherine Willmond, University of Oklahoma Press (1994)
Choapan Zapotec
- San Lucas Quiaviní Zapotec Dictionary (Vols. 1 and 2) [], UCLA Chicano Studies Research Center Publications (1999)
- The love story of a jaguar and its flower: Ch’ol adaptation [], Mateo Russo & Sandra Chigüela, Independently published (2020)
- Guide to the Ch’ol Language (Lak T’an) with Grammar and Useful Phrases [], Mateo Russo & Sandra Chigüela, Independently published (2018)
- The Ch’ol Maya of Chiapas [], University of Oklahoma Press (2015)
- The Comox Valley: Courtenay, Comox, Cumberland and Area [], Paula Wild, Harbour (2006)
- Sliammon Life, Sliammon Lands [], Dorothy Kennedy, Talonbooks (1983)
- Sketches of Cornish Grammar [], Edwin Norris & Maggie Mack, CreateSpace (2013)
- Desky Kernowek: A complete guide to Cornish [], Nicholas Williams, Evertype (2012)
- Cornish Grammar for Beginners [], John Page, Cornish Language Board (2001)
- Czech: An Essential Grammar [], James Naughton, Routledge (2005)
- My First Dagbani Dictionary: Colour and Learn [], kasahorow, CreateSpace (2018)
- My First Dagbani Counting Book: Colour and Learn 1 2 3 [], kasahorow, CreateSpace (2017)
- Colloquial Danish [], Kirsten Gade & Glyn Jones, Routledge (2007)
- Danish: An Essential Grammar [, ], Tom Lundskaer-Nielsen & Philip Holmes, Routledge (2001)
- The Dogrib dictionary [], Les Barow, CreateSpace (2017)
- Walking the Land, Feeding the Fire: Knowledge and Stewardship Among the Tłı̨chǫ Dene [], Allice Legat, University of Arizona Press (2012)
- The Legend of the Caribou Boy / Ekwò Dǫzhìa Wegondı [], George Blondin, Theytus Books (2009)
- The Old Man with the Otter Medicine / Eneèko Nàmbe Įk’ǫǫ K’eèzhǫ [], George Blondin, Theytus Books (2008)
Dzambazi Romani
- Gypsy Dialects: A Selected Annotated Bibliography of Materials for the Practical Study of Romani [], Edward Proctor, University Of Hertfordshire Press (2008)
- The Chicago Manual of Style, 16th Edition [], University Of Chicago Press (2010)
- A Comprehensive Grammar of the English Language [], Quirk, Randolph, & Others, Longman (1985)
- Colloquial Estonian [], Christopher Moseley, Routledge (2008)
- Estonian-English/English-Estonian: Dictionary & Phasebook [], Ksana Benyuch, Hippocrene Books (2002)
- An introduction to modern Faroese, W. B. Lockwood, DaisyMunksgaard (1964)
- Finnish: An Essential Grammar [, ], Fred Karlsson, Routledge (2008)
- Schaum’s Outline of French Grammar, 5ed [, ], Mary Crocker, McGraw-Hill (2008)
- A Comprehensive French Grammar [], Glanville Price, Wiley-Blackwell (2007)
- French Grammar: A Complete Reference Guide [], Daniel Calvez, McGraw-Hill (2004)
- Modern Ga: An introduction to the Ga language [, ], Kasahorow, CreateSpace (2013)
- Learn Garifuna Now! [], Luz F. Soliz-Ramos, CreateSpace (2017)
- The Garifuna, A nation across borders: Essays in Social Anthropology [], Joseph O. Palacio, Cubola (2005)
- Survival Georgian [], Patricia Hall, CreateSpace (2013)
- Georgian-English/English-Georgian Dictionary & Phrasebook [], Nicholas Awde, Thea Khitarishvili
- Beginner’s Georgian [], Dodona Kiziria, Hippocrene Books (2009)
- Georgian: A Reading Grammar [], Howard I. Aronson, Slavica Pub (1990)
- Schaum’s Outline of German Grammar, 4ed [], Elke Gschossmann-Hendershot, Lois Feuerle, McGraw-Hill (2009)
- Comprehensive German Grammar [], Jonathan West, Blackwell Publishers (2003)
- Guarani-English/English-Guarani Concise Dictionary [], A. Scott Britton, Hippocrene Books (2005)
- Get Started in Gujarati Absolute Beginner Course [], Rachel Dwyer, Teach Yourself (2014)
- Colloquial Gujarati [], Jagdish Dave, Routledge (1995)
- Gujarati-English/English-Gujarati Dictionary & Phrasebook [], Sonal Christian, Hippocrene Books (2006)
- Emerging from out of the Margins: Essays on Haida Language, Culture, and History [], Frederick White, Peter Lang International Academic Publishers Company (2014)
- “And he knew our language”: Missionary Linguistics on the Pacific Northwest Coast [], Marcus Tomalin, John Benjamins Publishing Company (2011)
- A Story as Sharp as a Knife: The Classical Haida Mythtellers and Their World [], Robert Bringhurst, University of Nebraska Press (2000)
- Haida: Their Art and Culture [], Leslie Drew, Hancock House Pub (1982)
Haitian Creole
- The Haitian Creole language: history, structure, use, and education [], Arthur K. Spears, Carole M. Berotte Joseph, Lexington Books (2010)
- Oxford Picture Dictionary English-Haitian Creole: Bilingual Dictionary for Haitian Creole speaking teenage and adult students of English [], Jayme Adelson-Goldstein, Norma Shapiro, Oxford University Press (2008)
- English Haitian Creole Word to word (Billingual Dictionaries) [], Fequiere Vilsaint, Jean Evens Berret, Educa Vision Inc. (2006)
- pí:q’ qas te q’oyíyetsó:llh - Glossary and Teacher’s Guide [, ], eelonqa K harris, TaleFeather Publishing (2018)
- Dictionary of Upriver Halkomelem [], Brent Douglas Galloway, University of California Press (2009)
- A Grammar of Upriver Halkomelem [], Brent Douglas Galloway, University of California Press (1993)
- Hausa-English/ English-Hausa Dictionary & Phrasebook [], Philip Hayab John, Hippocrene Books (2018)
- English-Hausa Beginner’s book [, ], Mohamed Sheme, Independently published (2018)
- Teach Yourself Hausa: A Complete Course for Beginners [], Charles H. Kraft, A. H. M. Kirk-Greene, Hodder Arnold (1994)
- Learn to Read Hebrew in 6 Weeks [, ], Miiko Shaffier, Shefer Publishing (2016)
- The Routledge Introductory Course in Modern Hebrew [, ], Giore Etzion, Routledge (2009)
- Teach Yourself to Read Hebrew [], Ethelyn Simon & Joseph Anderson, EKS Publishing (2008)
- Beginning Hindi: A Complete Course [], Joshua H. Pien & Fauzia Farooqui, Georgetown University Press (2014)
- Complete Hindi Beginner to Intermediate Course [], Rupert Snell, Teach Yourself (2014)
- Elementary Hindi [], Richard Delacy & Sudha Joshi, Tuttle Publishing (2009)
- Hopi Dictionary: Hopiikwa Lavaytutuveni: A Hopi-English Dictionary of the Third Mesa Dialect With an English-Hopi Finder List and a Sketch of Hopi Grammar [], University of Arizona Press (1998)
- Book of the Hopi [], Frank Waters, Penguin (1977)
- Talk Never Dies: The Language of Huli Disputes [], Laurence Goldman, Tavistock (1983)
- Colloquial Hungarian: The Complete Course for Beginners [, ], Carol Rounds, Erika Sólyom, Routledge (2015)
- A Practical Hungarian Grammar with Glossary [, ], Szilvia Szita, Görbe Tamás, Akademiai Kiado (2009)
- Hungarian: An Essential Grammar [, ], Carol Rounds, Routledge (2008)
- California Indian Languages [], Victor Golla, University of California Press (2011)
- Hupa Texts [, ], Pliny Earle Goddard, Forgotten Books (2008)
- Cultural Contact and Linguistic Relativity among the Indians of Northwestern California [], Sean O’Neill, University of Oklahoma Press (2008)
- Colloquial Icelandic: The Complete Course for Beginners [, ], Daisy L. Neijmann, Routledge (2015)
- Complete Icelandic with Two Audio CDs: A Teach Yourself Guide [, ], Hildur Jonsdottir, McGraw-Hill Education (2014)
- Igbo for Beginners [], Joyce Okwumo, Morris Publishing (2009)
- Igbo-English English-Igbo Dictionary and Phrasebook [], Nicholas Awde, Hippocrene Books (1999)
Inari Sami
- The Sami People: Traditions in Transitions [], Veli-Pekka Lehtola, University of Alaska Press (2005)
- Indonesian: A Comprehensive Grammar [], James Neil Sneddon, Routledge (1996)
- Ingrian Laments [], Aili Nenola, Finnish Literature Society (2002)
- Ingrians and Neighbours [], Timo Virtanen, Gazelle Distribution (2000)
- Ingrian Finnish: Dialect Preservation and Change [], Manja Irmeli Lehto, Coronet Books (1996)
- Ingush Grammar [], Johanna Nichols, University of California Press (2010)
- Sivuninga Sikum (The Meaning of Ice) Inupiaq Edition: People and Sea Ice in Three Arctic Communities [], International Polar Institute (2017)
- Iñupiatun Uqaluit Taniktun Sivuninit/Iñupiaq to English Dictionary [, ], Edna MacLean, University of Alaska Press (2014)
- Inupiaq Eskimo Nations of Northwest Alaska [], Ernest Burch Jr., University of Alaska Press (1998)
- Step-by-Step Irish: An Irish Language Workbook for Beginners [], James Joyce, CreateSpace (2017)
- Living Language Irish [], Living Language (2014)
- Gaeilge gan Stró! Beginners Level: A Multimedia Irish Language Course for Adults [], Éamonn Ó Dónaill , Gaelchultur Teoranta (2011)
Isthmus Zapotec
- Zapotec-English/English-Zapotec (Isthmus) Concise Dictionary [, ], A. Scott Britton, Hippocrene Books (2003)
- Schaum’s Outline of Italian Grammar, Third Edition [, ], Joseph Germano, Conrad J. Schmitt, McGraw-Hill (2007)
- Italian Grammar [], Marcel Danesi, Barron’s Educational Series (2002)
- Essential Italian Grammar [], Olga Ragusa, Dover Publications (1963)
- The Structure of Jacaltec [], Colette Grinevald Craig, University of Texas Press (1977)
- The Jacaltec Language [], Christopher Day, De Gruyter Mouton (1974)
- Minna no Nihongo I: translation and grammar notes [], 3A Corporation (2013)
- Living Language Japanese, Complete Edition [], Living Language (2012)
- Japanese Hiragana & Katakana for Beginners: First Steps to Mastering the Japanese Writing System [], Timothy G. Stout, Tuttle Publishing (2011)
- Fundamentals of Japanese Grammar: Comprehensive Acquisition [], Yuki Johnson, University of Hawaii Press (2007)
- Japanese Grammar (2nd Ed.) [, ], Carol Akiyama, Nobuo Akiyama, Barron’s Educational Series (2001)
- Jersey (Landmark Visitors Guides) [], Sonia Hilsdon, Landmark Visitors Guides (2010)
- Vocabulary Builder Jerriais [], Topics Entertainment (2007)
- Jersey Norman French: A Linguistic Study of an Obsolescent Dialect [], Mari Catrin Jones, Wiley-Blackwell (2002)
Kalderash Romani
- Learn Romani: Das-duma Rromanes [], Ronald Lee, University Of Hertfordshire Press (2005)
- Gypsy Dialects: A Selected Annotated Bibliography of Materials for the Practical Study of Romani [], Edward Proctor, University Of Hertfordshire Press (2008)
- A Carib grammar and dictionary [], Henk Courtz, Magoria Books (2008)
- ¿La ütz awäch? Introduction to Kaqchikel Maya Language [], R. McKenna Brown, Judith M. Maxwell & Walter E. Little, University of Texas Press (2006)
- Syntactic Transfer, Contact-induced Change, And The Evolution Of Bilingual Mixed Codes: Focus On Karelian-russian Language Alternation [], Anneli Sarhimaa, Finnish Literature Society (1999)
- Kazakh: A Comprehensive Grammar [, ], Raihan Muhamedowa, Routledge (2016)
- Colloquial Kazakh [, ], Zaure Batayeva, Routledge (2015)
- Kinyarwanda-English/English-Kinyarwanda Dictionary & Phrasebook [, ], Mawadza, Aquilina & Donatien Nswengiyumva, Hippocrene Books (2016)
- Zazaki / Kirmancki Kurdish [], Gülsat Aygen, LINCOM publishers (2010)
- Kituba Basic Course [], L. B. Swift, E. W. A. Zola, Carleton T. Hodge, Samurai Media Limited (2016)
- Breaking Ground: The Lower Elwha Klallam Tribe and the Unearthing of Tse-Whit-Zen Village [], Lynda V. Mapes, University of Washington Press (2009)
- Totem Poles of the Jamestown S’Klallam Tribe: The Art of Dale Faulstich [], Joan Worley, Jamestown S’Klallam Tribe (2008)
- The Jamestown S’Klallam story: Rebuilding a Northwest coast Indian tribe [], Joseph H. Stauss, Jamestown S’Klallam Tribe (2002)
- Koasati Grammar [], Geoffrey D. Kimball, University of Nebraska Press (1991)
- Korean Alphabets in a Picture: Learn Korean Alphabets (Hangul) Super Fast [, ], Min Wei Wang, Independently published (2017)
- Learn Korean with BTS (Bangtan Boys): The Fun Effective Way to Learn Korean (Learn Korean With K-pop) [], Mr Peter Kang, CreateSpace (2017)
- Korean From Zero! 1: Master the Korean Language and Hangul Writing System with Integrated Workbook and Online Course [, ], Myunghee Ham et al., Learn From Zero (2014)
- Living Language Korean, Complete Edition [], Jaemin Roh, Living Language (2013)
- A Kristang Family Cookbook [], Melba Nunis, Marshall Cavendish International (2015)
- Kyrgyz for Beginners: A Comprehensive Self-Study Course [, ], Elvin Allazov, Independently published (2018)
- Kyrgyz vocabulary [], Andrey Taranov, T&P Books Publishing Ltd (2018)
- Lakota Language Workbook/CD [], Oceti Wakan, Oceti Wakan (2005)
- Lakhotiya Woglaka Po! - Speak Lakota! Level 1 Lakota Language Textbook [], Lakota Language Consortium (2004)
- Reading and Writing the Lakota Language [], Albert White Hat Sr., University of Utah Press (1999)
- A Latin Grammar [], James Morwood, Oxford University Press (2000)
- Essential Latin [, ], G.D.A. Sharpley, Routledge (1999)
- Colloquial Latvian: The Complete Course for Beginners [], Dace Prauli, Christopher Moseley, Routledge (2010)
- Latvian-English/English-Latvian Dictionary & Phrasebook [], Amanda Zaeska Jatniece, Hippocrene Books (2004)
- A Grammar of Lavukaleve [], Angela Terrill, De Gruyter Mouton (2003)
- A Grammar of Lezgian [, ], Martin Haspelmath, De Gruyter Mouton (1993)
- Lingala-English, English-Lingala Dictionary and Phrasebook [], Thomas Antwi-Akowuah, Hippocrene Books (1996)
- Lingala Grammar and Dictionary: English-Lingala, Lingala-English [], Malcolm Guthrie, Baptist Missionary Society (1988)
- Lithuanian-English/English-Lithuanian Dictionary & Phrasebook [], Jurgita Baltrusaityte, Hippocrene Books (2004)
- Beginner’s Lithuanian [], Leonardas Dambriunas, Hippocrene Books (1998)
- A new New English Language, Politics and Identity in Gibraltar [], Anja Kellermann, Books On Demand (2014)
Lowland Oaxaca Chontal
- The Grammatical Structure of Oaxaca Chontal [], Viola Grace Waterhouse, Literary Licensing (2013)
- Dholuo for Kids [], Fredrick Odhiambo, Language Ladder (2022)
- Teach yourself Dholuo [, ], Ojuang O. George, Independently published (2018)
- Tellings from Our Elders: Lushootseed syeyehub: Tales from the Skagit Valley [], David Beck & Thom Hess, UBC Press (2015)
- Tellings from Our Elders: Lushootseed syeyehub: Snohomish Texts [], David Beck & Thom Hess, UBC Press (2014)
- Lushootseed Dictionary [], Thom Hess, Dawn Bates & Vi Hilbert, University of Washington Press (1994)
- A Grammar of Macedonian [], Olga Mišeska Tomić, Slavica Pub (2012)
- Macedonian: A Course for Beginning and Intermediate Students [], Christina E. Kramer, Liljana Mitkovska, University of Wisconsin Press (2011)
- Malagasy-English, English-Malagasy: Dictionary and Phrasebook [], Janie Rasoloson, Hippocrene Books (2001)
- Canoe Indians of Down East Maine [, ], William A. Haviland, The History Press (2012)
- Learn the Maltese language [, ], Alain de Raymond, Independently published (2016)
- Maltese (Descriptive Grammars) [, ], Marie Azzopardi-Alexander & Albert Borg, Routledge (2012)
- Teach Yourself Maltese: A Complete Course for Beginners [], Joseph Aquilina, McGraw-Hill (1999)
- The Manambu Language of East Sepik, Papua New Guinea [], Alexandra Y. Aikhenvald, Oxford University Press (2010)
- The History of the N’ko Alphabet and Its Role in Mande Transnational Identity: Words as Weapons [], Dianne White Oyler, Africana Homestead Legacy Publishers (2007)
- A Grammar of Mapuche [], Ineke Smeets, Walter de Gruyter (2008)
- Mapudungun (Languages of the world) [], Fernando Zúñiga, Lincom Europa (2000)
- Marshallese Reference Grammar [, ], University of Hawaii Press (2016)
- Spoken Marshallese [], University of Hawaii Press (1978)
Mauritian Creole
- Mauritius Marco Polo Pocket Guide [], Marco Polo Travel Publishing (2018)
- French Creoles: A Comprehensive and Comparative Grammar [, ], Anand Syea, Routledge (2017)
- The Syntax of Mauritian Creole [, ], Anand Syea, Bloomsbury Academic (2012)
- Creating the Creole Island: Slavery in Eighteenth-Century Mauritius [, ], Megan Vaughan, Duke University Press Books (2005)
- The Struggle for Self-Determination: History of the Menominee Indians since 1854 [], David R. M. Beck, University of Nebraska Press (2007)
- Elements of a Miami-Illinois Grammar [], John Gilmary Shea, Evolution Pub & Manufacturing (2005)
- Myaamia Neehi Peewaalia Kaloosioni Mahsinaakani: A Miami-Peoria Dictionary [], Daryl Baldwin & David J. Costa, Miami Nation (2005)
- The Miami-Illinois Language [], David J. Costa, University of Nebraska Press (2003)
- Metis Legacy II : Michif Culture, Heritage and Folkways [], Pemmican Publications (2006)
- We Know Who We Are: Metis Identity in a Montana Community [], Martha Harroun Foster, University of Oklahoma Press (2006)
- New Peoples: Being & Becoming Métis in North America (Manitoba Studies in Native History, Book 1) [], Jennifer S.H. Brown, Minnesota Historical Society Press (2001)
- A Language of Our Own: The Genesis of Michif, the Mixed Cree-French Language of the Canadian Métis (Oxford Studies in Anthropological Linguistics) [], Peter Bakker, Oxford University Press (1997)
- English-Micmac Dictionary: Dictionary of the Language of the Micmac Indians Who Reside in Nova Scotia New Brunswick, Prince Edward Island and Cape Breton [], Silas Tertius Rand, Laurier Books Ltd (2007)
- Mi’kmaq: People of the Maritimes [], Stephen A. Davis, Down East Books (1997)
- The Mi’kmaq Anthology [], Lesley Choyce, Down East Books (1997)
- Kanyen’Keha Tewatati: Let’s Speak Mohawk [], David K. Maracle, Audio Forum (1990)
- A Vocabulary of Mohegan-Pequot [], John Dyneley Prince, Frank G. Speck, Evolution Pub & Manufacturing (2005)
- Under the Mohegan Sun: A Celebration of Cuisine and Culture [], Mohegan Tribal Gaming Authority (2005)
- A Grammar of Moloko [], Dianne Friesen, Saint Philip Street Press (2020)
- Mid Columbia Salishans: Okanagan Teit Lakes [], Jay Miller, Independently published (2021)
- Maori Oral Tradition: He Korero no te Ao Tawhito [, ], Jane McRae, Auckland University Press (2017)
- A Māori Reference Grammar [], Ray Harlow, HUIA Publishers (2015)
- Beginner’s Maori [], K. T. Harawira, Hippocrene Books (1997)
- Dine Bizaad: Speak, Read, Write Navajo [], Irvy W. Goossen, Salina Bookshelf (1995)
- Colloquial Navajo: A Dictionary [], Robert W. Young & William Morgan, Hippocrene Books (1994)
- Nengone Grammar [], Jean-Claude Rivierre, Pacific Linguistics (1971)
North Frisian
- Handbuch Des Friesischen / Handbook of Frisian Studies [], De Gruyter (2012)
Northern Kurdish
- Kurdish phrasebook and culture: A Beginner’s Guide to Developing Essential Communication Skills in Kurmanji-Kurdish [, ], Shirzad Alkadhi, Trafford Publishing, (2011)
- A Basic Course in Modern Kurmanji [], Peter Pikkert, CreateSpace (2010)
- Webster’s Kurmanji - English Thesaurus Dictionary [], Philip M. Parker, ICON Group International, (2008)
- Kurmanji Kurdish [], Gülsat Aygen, LINCOM publishers (2007)
Northern Sami
- The Sami People: Traditions in Transitions [], Veli-Pekka Lehtola, University of Alaska Press (2005)
Northern Yi
- A Grammar of Nuosu [], Matthias Gerner, De Gruyter Mouton (2013)
Norwegian (Bokmål)
- Norwegian Verbs And Essentials of Grammar [], Louis Janus, McGraw-Hill (1999)
- Colloquial Norwegian: A complete language course [, ], Kirsten Gade & W. Glyn Jones, Routledge (1995)
- Norwegian: An Essential Grammar [], Åse-Berit Strandskogen & Rolf Strandskogen, Routledge (1994)
- Oxford English-English-Odia Dictionary [], Oxford University Press (2017)
- Learn Oriya in 30 Days [], N. S. R. Ganathe, Hippocrene Books (1993)
- Aaniin Ekidong [], Minnesota Humanities Center (2009)
- Nishnaabemwin reference grammar [], J. Randolph Valentine, University of Toronto Press (2001)
- Concise Dictionary of Minnesota Ojibwe [], John Nichols, University Of Minnesota Press (1994)
- Dictionary of the Ojibway Language [], Frederic Baraga, Minnesota Historical Society Press (1992)
- Mid Columbia Salishans: Okanagan Teit Lakes [], Jay Miller, Independently published (2021)
- Baby Speaks Salish: A Language Manual Inspired by One Family’s Effort to Raise a Salish Speaker [], Emma Noyes, Scablands Books (2020)
Old Church Slavonic
- Old Church Slavonic: An Elementary Grammar [], S. C. Gardiner, Cambridge University Press (2008)
- Grammar of the Church Slavonic Language [], Alypy Gamanovich, Holy Trinity Monastery (2001)
- Old Church Slavonic Grammar [], Horace G. Lunt, Mouton de Gruyter (2001)
- The Oneida Creation Story [], Demus Elm, Harvey Antone, Bison Books (2000)
- Oneida Indian Journey: From New York to Wisconsin, 1784-1860 [], University of Wisconsin Press (1999)
- The Oneida Indian Experience: Two Perspectives [], Syracuse University Press (1988)
Pennsylvania German
- A Pennsylvania German Reader and Grammar [], Earl C. Haag, Pennsylvania State University Press (1978)
- Persian (Routledge Comprehensive Grammars) [, ], Saeed Yousef, Routledge (2018)
- Persian in Use: An Elementary Textbook of Language and Culture [], Anousha Sedighi, Leiden University Press (2015)
- Complete Persian (modern Persian/Farsi) [, ], Narguess Farzad, Teach Yourself (2010)
Pite Sami
- A grammar of Pite Saami [], Joshua Wilbur, (Language Science Press (2015)
- The Sami People: Traditions in Transitions [], Veli-Pekka Lehtola, University of Alaska Press (2005)
- Wi Leahre Plautdietsch: A Beginner’s Guide to Mennonite Low German [], Isaias McCaffery, Mennonite Heritage Museum (2008)
- The Spelling of Low German & Plautdietsch: Towards an Official Plautdietsch Orthography [], Reuben Epp, Readers Pr (1996)
- Polari - The Lost Language of Gay Men [, ], Paul Baker, Routledge (2002)
- Fantabulosa: A Dictionary of Polari and Gay Slang [], Paul Baker, Bloomsbury Academic (2004)
- Polish Phrasebook & Dictionary [], Piotr Czajkowski, Lonely Planet (2013)
- Polish For Dummies [, ], Daria Gabryanczyk, For Dummies (2012)
- Polish: A Comprehensive Grammar [, ], Iwona Sadowska, Routledge (2011)
Portuguese (Brazil)
- Pois não: Brazilian Portuguese Course for Spanish Speakers, with Basic Reference Grammar [, ], Antônio Roberto Monteiro Simões, University of Texas Press (2008)
- Portuguese grammar: a complete, concise and practical reference, Sonia Celegatti Althoff, (2008)
- Portuguese Verbs And Essentials of Grammar: A Practical Guide to the Mastery of Portuguese [, ], Sue Tyson-Ward, Passport Books (1996)
Portuguese (Portugal)
- Portuguese grammar: a complete, concise and practical reference, Sonia Celegatti Althoff, (2008)
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- A Tentative Syntax of Modern Indoeuropean [], Fernando López-Menchero, CreateSpace (2013)
- A Grammar of Modern Indo-European, Prometheus Edition [], Carlos Quiles & Fernando López-Menchero, CreateSpace (2012)
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- The Oxford Introduction to Proto-Indo-European and the Proto-Indo-European World [, ], J. P. Mallory, Oxford University Press (2006)
Quetzaltepec Mixe
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Rapa Nui
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- Gypsy Dialects: A Selected Annotated Bibliography of Materials for the Practical Study of Romani [], Edward Proctor, University Of Hertfordshire Press (2008)
- Romani: A Linguistic Introduction [, ], Yaron Matras, Cambridge University Press (2005)
- Colloquial Romanian [, ], Ramona Gönczöl & Dennis Deletant, Routledge (2015)
- Complete Romanian [, ], Dennis Deletant & Yvonne Alexandrescu, Teach Yourself (2010)
- Romanian: An Essential Grammar [], Gonczol Davies, Routledge (2007)
- Romansh-English/English-Romansh Dictionary and Phrasebook [], Manfred Gross, Daniel Telli, Hippocrene Books (1999)
- The Everything Essential Russian Book: All You Need to Learn Russian in No Time [], Julie Stakhnevich, Adams Media (2014)
- Russian: From Intermediate to Advanced [], Olga E. Kagan, Kudyma S. Anna, Frank J. Miller, Routledge (2014)
- Schaum’s Outline of Russian Grammar [, ], James S. Levine, McGraw-Hill (2009)
- A Comprehensive Russian Grammar [, ], Terence Wade, Wiley-Blackwell (2000)
- The Dynamics of Sango Language Spread [], Mark Karan, SIL International (2001)
- Sango: The national official language of the Central African Republic [], Rüdiger Köppe (1994)
Santa Ana Yareni Zapotec
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- Scots Dictionary [], Collins Dictionaries (2019)
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Scottish Gaelic
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- Blas na Gàidhlig: The Practical Guide to Scottish Gaelic Pronunciation [], Michael Bauer, Akerbeltz (2011)
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- Complete Serbian: A Teach Yourself Guide [], Vladislava Ribnikar, David Norris, McGraw-Hill (2011)
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- Introduction to the Croatian and Serbian Language [], Thomas F. Magner, Pennsylvania State University Press (1995)
- Beginner’s Shona (ChiShona) [], Aquilina Mawadza, Hippocrene Books (2003)
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Skolt Sami
- The Sami People: Traditions in Transitions [], Veli-Pekka Lehtola, University of Alaska Press (2005)
- The Skolt Lapps Today [], Tim Ingold, Cambridge University Press (1977)
- Slovene: A Comprehensive Grammar [], Peter Herrity, Routledge (2000)
- Colloquial Somali: a complete language course [], Martin Orwin, Routledge (1995)
- Practical Grammar of the Somali Language, with a Manual of Sentences [], Évangéliste de Larajasse, BiblioLife (2009)
South Efate
- A Grammar of South Efate: An Oceanic Language of Vanuatu [], Nicholas Thieberger, University of Hawaii Press (2006)
Southern Quechua
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- Quechua-Spanish-English Dictionary [, ], Odi Gonzales, Christine Mladic Janney, Emily Fjaellen Thompson, Hippocrene Books (2018)
- Kawsay Vida: A Multimedia Quechua Course for Beginners and Beyond [], Rosaleen Howard, University of Texas Press (2014)
Southern Sami
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- Schaum’s Outline of Spanish Grammar, 5ed [, ], Conrad J. Schmitt, McGraw-Hill (2008)
- Spanish Grammar [], Christopher Kendris, Barron’s Educational Series (2001)
- A Comprehensive Spanish Grammar [], Jacques De Bruyne, Wiley-Blackwell (1996)
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Sranan Tongo
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- Sranan Tongo - An English-based creole in the republic of Suriname [, ], Ulrike Römer, GRIN Verlag (2007)
- Webster’s Sranan to English Crossword Puzzles: Level 1 [], Philip M. Parker, ICON Group International, Inc (2007)
- Held’s History of Sumbawa: An Annotated Translation [], Hans Hägerdal, Amsterdam University Press (2017)
- Learn Swahili - Word Power 101 [], Innovative Language (2011)
- Teach Yourself Complete Swahili [, ], Joan Russell, Teach Yourself Books (2010)
- Swahili-English, English-Swahili Practical Dictionary [], Nicholas Awde, UniversityHippocrene Books (2000)
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- Swedish Tutor: Grammar and Vocabulary Workbook [], Ylva Olausson, Teach Yourself (1996)
- Swedish: A Comprehensive Grammar [], Philip Holmes & Ian Hinchliffe, Routledge (1994)
- Essentials of Swedish Grammar: A Practical Guide to the Mastery of Swedish [], Ake Viberg, Kerstin Ballardini & Sune Stjarnlof, Passport Books (1993)
Swiss German
- Die Schweizermacher. A Swiss German Tutorial [], Paul G. Schreier, Books on Demand GmbH (2003)
- English-Tahitian, Tahitian-English Dictionary: Fa’atoro Parau Marite/Peretane-tahiti Tahiti-marite/Peretane [], Sven Wahlroos, University of Hawaii (2010)
- Lonely Planet Tahiti & French Polynesia [], Celeste Brash, Lonely Planet (2012)
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Tetun Dili
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- Say It in Tlingit: A Tlingit Phrase Book [], Richard & Nora Marks Dauenhauer , Sealaska Heritage Institute (2018)
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- Dictionary of Tlingit [], Keri Edwards, Sealaska Heritage Institute (2011)
Tok Pisin
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- Understanding Tolowa Histories: Western Hegemonies and Native American Responses [, ], James Collins, Routledge (1997)
- Now you’re speaking Tolowa [], Loren Bommelyn, Humboldt State University (1995)
- Tolowa Tribe [], Mary Null Boule, Merryant Pub Inc (1992)
Tongan (telephone-style)
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- Revitalization Lexicography: The Making of the New Tunica Dictionary [, ], Patricia Anderson, University of Arizona Press (2020)
- Turkish: a comprehensive grammar [], Aslı Göksel, Celia Kerslake, Routledge (2005)
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- Udmurt [], Eberhard Winkler, LINCOM publishers (2001)
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Upper Sorbian
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- Uyghur Grammar Made Simple [, ], Christian Gabre & Renee Gaines, Pathways Publishing (2017)
- Uyghur: An Elementary Textbook [], Gulnisa Nazarova & Kurban Niyaz, Georgetown University Press (2013)
- Spoken Uyghur [], Reinhard F. Hahn, University of Washington Press (2006)
- Merachon: Living with the Wayuu Indians [], Elvin C. Myers, Elvin Myers (2016)
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- The Welsh Language: A History [, ], Janet Davies, University of Wales Press (2015)
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Western Pantar
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- Basic Yiddish: A Grammar and Workbook [, ], Rebecca Margolis, Routledge (2011)
- Yup’ik (Central Eskimo) Language Guide (and more!), Terryl Miller, World Friendship Publishing (2006)
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- Complete Zulu with Two Audio CDs: A Teach Yourself Guide [], Arnett Wilkes & Nikolias Nkosi, McGraw-Hill (2011)
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